Attaining K-3 criticality is the new feather in CHW Forge’s cap
Dear Sir
Congratulations to you and to all the associated team members of CHW for contributing with dedication and hard work to attain K-3 criticality.
Best Regards
एस. डी. पुनेठा / S D Punetha
सह निदेशक / Associate Director
नाभिकीय और यांत्रिक प्रणाली/ Nuclear and mechanical systems
प्रापण निदेशालय / Directorate of Procurement
नाभिकीय ऊर्जा निगम, ना. ऊ. भ./ NPC , NUB प्रघान कार्यालय
अणुशक्तिनगर / HQ, Anushaktinagar
मुंबई -४०००९४ / Mumbai 400094
Office +91-22-25994410 Mobile- +919969085262